Tupac Shakur
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By the fans 4 the fans

As we all know tupac touched many peoples hearts and this page will help to comemorate that
News Flash
It has become aparent that a terorrist atack has been launched on america the twin towers have been bombed and braught tumberling to the ground in a deliberate camacazie atack from two bower plains that were hijacked earlia today. the pentergon building has also been atacked today it is still unknown who these terorrists are and what they have planed next.

this section will be updated every 24 hours to keep you informed about this situation.

i have listed some of the updates that have been recently applyed for your pleasure i hope u like them

10/05/01   Added pictures of Tupac's house to the album page.
10/05/01   Updated Tupac info.
10/05/01   Added Tupac links.

My website as you have probebly notised is very new and i was just thinking what a good idear it would be to ask all of the people who visited this site to email me an give me a few ideas on what the public want so if you want to email me my email address is myballs@eminem.com or you can click on an email me hyper link.
My personal favorets.
This is the latest edition to my collection of Tupac albums some of my favoret tracks on disk one are.....
R U Still Down (remember me),
Were Do We Go From Here,
I Wonder If Heaven Got A Ghetto,

and some of my favoret tracks on disk two are.....
Hold On Be Strong,
Fake Ass Bitches,
Enimies With Me,
16 On Death Row,
I Wonder If Heaven Got A Ghetto
(hip-hop version)

Has any of you seen pac with your own eyes.
If so or you think you have then email me id love to here from you, lets see if we cant track him down.

Oh you think i'm mad well come back soon an see if the is anyone who has seen him.


The fans
If you want you can send some words to tupac songs and i will feature them here or if you want to send some pic's i would be verey greatful thanx for your help

R U Still down ?
Why dont you Email me with your favoret Tupac album an I will do a vote on what Tupac album iz realy the best ever .
Send an email

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